Poetry: The Palace Festival 1 - Amanda Hohenberg
Das Palace Festival fand im Juli 2018 in Polen zum dritten Mal statt. Es ist ein Residency Programm, das einen Raum für Künstler*innen verschiedener Sparten bietet, sich auszutauschen und an ihren Werken zu arbeiten. Wir stellen euch die Texte dreier englischsprachiger Lyriker*innen und Arbeiten der Fotografin Sophie le Roux vor, die uns auf dem Festival sehr beeindruckt und inspiriert haben. Hier Teil eins mit Amanda Hohenberg.
how i became a lesbian, or on the making of ecological porn (Extract)
make friends
with a tree
close to your home
(make eye contact. touch if appropriate/consensual)
we are taking a walk now
to the closest body of water
naturally, intentionally or accidentally
we are pressing our teeth
letting saliva and tension gather
we spit into the water and listen
(whom are we listening to?)
we have several distinct impulses to kiss one
another especially when we allow for non words
but are inhibited by our conditioning
to be solid bodies
leak free holes
we make a weak joke with “leek” and “leak” and laugh
we look at each others face as if it was a big round well
welcoming us in there is buckets of rivers flowing
and familiar waters streaming out of each others
(where do I know you from?)
we allow the water to wash us
free of hard tissue and tears
with an in-breath we let the water penetrate
every orifice with an out-breath
it trickles down our throats
is coating our inner thighs theres a twig
that gets caught in our solar plexus region and tickles
“whats so funny”
we want to be close but have never done it before
not in this exact constellation
we walk each other home
20 meters before our entrance door we listen to the present state
of our neighbourhood
we are doing nothing that comes as a surprise to the sky
theres no position that the stars haven’t already tried out
Amanda Hohenberg
ist multidisziplinäre Künstlerin, Lyrikerin und Amateurmeereskreatur, die mit Sprache, Körper und aquarischer Erotik arbeitet. Sie lebt derzeit in New York und studiert im Master ‘Writing and Experimental Practice’ am Pratt Institut.
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